At our deepest place of union we come to rest. Not needing to prove something or to explain ourselves, we can just be. Our journey to this point of connection with another does take risk, but it is here that we give our greatest gift – that of presence.
The space between us and others is never an empty one and if we are aware, we’ll increasingly become skilled at reading another’s presence. We’ll know when we are with someone who, say, has a heavy heart.
Continue reading “I pray that they will be one…” →
From childhood we’ve all sensed imbalances of power. In most relationships, though often unspoken, we feel we are being continually measured, pegged at different levels. We all know who’s stronger than us – whether verbally, emotionally or physically – and we know who can punish or frighten us. We sense where we are placed in our social circles, whether at the centre as the ‘queen bee’, or further out towards the fringe.
Each of our early experiences are peopled with memories which touched us, both the good and the painful. The patterns we each developed to flourish and to survive then are the same as those we still use today. That particular person or event from our past is long gone, but our learnt patterns of relating remain. We continue to see ourselves and others (even God) through this lens.
Continue reading Childhood Hurts – Blockage Or Bridge? →
The Consistency of Our Relating Skills
The way people have seen us has shaped us, and colours how we see ourselves now. Relationships are central to who we are. Most of us have hardly had any training in how to relate effectively. Like every aspect of our lives, relationships need to be managed and worked on- placed as a priority in order to give life and transform. Continue reading Reflection: ‘Prayer as Relationship’ →
An integral part of the spiritual life is time set aside to be alone with God. Our connection with God, as with any other relationship, needs special time together for it to grow and mature. On a retreat we have an opportunity to rest and to wander through time, looking at our ways of relating and being with God and listening to Him. Here we can explore our feelings and share them with God and He can share His with us. These feelings tell us the true state of our relationship and also what may be needed as we seek to draw closer to our Lord. Continue reading Why We Retreat →
tools for real relationships