Tag Archives: Hout Bay

Friday’s Dating & Relating topic is ‘Who am I trying to please?’ 

This Friday evening we’ll be gathering for our next Dating & Relating evening. This is a special time to open our broaden our view. There will be times to share, listen, and have fun as a group.

This month’s topic is ‘Who am I trying to please?’ Our dating, and our lives, can be so formed around impressing our peers that we lose touch with our own preferences. We may need to prove our worth – to a sibling, to our parents, to ourselves, and even to God in making right decisions.

Our invitation is for you to look at what’s behind your drive to impress. We hope you’ll be encouraged by this time together.

The relating team

Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm   Date: 28 July 2017  
Suggested giving: R60 or what you feel okay with
Place: Sans Pareil, 1 Welbevind Way, Hout Bay
(Diagonally opposite the World of Birds)

19 June – Intimacy with Ourselves and Others

We’re deepening our understanding of intimacy. How we are with ourselves affects how we relate to others.

Join us at the barn tonight for an interesting session on connecting with ourselves, with God and with others. Sessions typically involve asking questions, reflecting on your experiences and sharing what you feel ready to. Continue reading 19 June – Intimacy with Ourselves and Others

Our Deepest Longing

We are creatures that are made to give life. At every stage of our relating to others we are making choices which will either be creative and life-giving or destructive. The investment we make to create a positive, loving space is essential to our union with others. 

Intimacy starts with us, for we can only be as connected with another as we are able to value and trust ourselves. We will not be able to respect or love others if we have a low estimate of our own worth. Life batters and bruises all of us, but we are meant to persist with bringing light and healing to the world. Intimacy is a hard-won reality, but it is very worthwhile. Continue reading Our Deepest Longing

Unconditional Acceptance

Can we, with God, learn to love the less-than-lovely parts?

As we come to see ourselves more and more clearly, we choose either to accept or reject that self. The big question is whether we are able to find increasing acceptance for what might not be acceptable in our society’s eyes. Since few of us experienced truly unconditional love, many don’t know what this actually looks like. We have been taught to turn away from ourselves or others when the less-than-attractive becomes visible. We’ve also been habituated into always trying to show what is nice about ourselves to others and of not feeling at all comfortable with their seeing our less-than-lovely parts. Thus, we have imprisoned ourselves and others in this well-known societal game as we continually judge those negative parts and inwardly criticise our ambivalence.  Continue reading Unconditional Acceptance

Dreaming Our Life

Images we carry affect our choices

The pictures in our imaginations come with the possibility that they can be fulfilled. Without a guiding image, we will question whether we can manage in that area of our lives. Very early in our childhood we were given these dreams which shaped us and directed our behaviour and the course of our lives. Often we are not even aware of what these are. So how do we begin to see what these dreams are doing to us, so we can manage them as a creative process? Continue reading Dreaming Our Life

‘Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.’

Releasing others who have hurt us.

We are needing to view conflict in a different light. It is very much part of our lives, though for all of us it tends to have negative connotations. It really has not been developed by us into something we feel skilled at, so most times we just want to avoid it at all costs. However, since conflict is in all of us, historically and each new day, we need to start to view it more creatively and to engage with it more constructively as something that can transform us. Continue reading ‘Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.’

Steering Conflict The Right Way

Using conflict to bring deeper connection rather than separation.

Though conflict is part of our life journey, most of us don’t welcome it. As the custodians of our growth, we are meant to hold our conflict and to steer it towards life-giving outcomes. Otherwise, we are simply releasing our responsibility for managing it and are choosing to be taken down roads that can have a negative impact on us.  Continue reading Steering Conflict The Right Way

3 June – First Saturday Retreat

Please join us for a quiet retreat in the Sans Pareil gardens at the start of the new month. From 2-5pm we’ll have times for input and sharing, as well as an open time for reflection in this beautiful outdoor space in the Hout Bay valley.

Date: 3 June 2017. These retreats take place on the first Saturday of most months.
Times: From 2 to 5 pm.
Address: Sans Pareil, 1 Welbevind Way, Hout Bay, Cape Town.
Cost: R100 per person, paid at the door. Discounts are available if needed. No booking is required.

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