Tag Archives: relationships

Relationships need our ongoing work

All too often we are unaware that this is the only moment we are alive. Much of our lives can be reduced to trivialities. We can easily forget that relationships don’t ‘just happen’, but that they need work in order to be life-giving. A farmer can’t just sit all day on his stoep and dream about a good harvest. Fruitfulness will take his ongoing effort.

God has made all of us creatures of need. Our need (not neediness) is something beautiful, something that makes us alive. As we accept this by meeting our own and others’ needs appropriately we find our joy and fulfilment. Continue reading Relationships need our ongoing work

Friday’s Dating & Relating topic is ‘Who am I trying to please?’ 

This Friday evening we’ll be gathering for our next Dating & Relating evening. This is a special time to open our broaden our view. There will be times to share, listen, and have fun as a group.

This month’s topic is ‘Who am I trying to please?’ Our dating, and our lives, can be so formed around impressing our peers that we lose touch with our own preferences. We may need to prove our worth – to a sibling, to our parents, to ourselves, and even to God in making right decisions.

Our invitation is for you to look at what’s behind your drive to impress. We hope you’ll be encouraged by this time together.

The relating team

Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm   Date: 28 July 2017  
Suggested giving: R60 or what you feel okay with
Place: Sans Pareil, 1 Welbevind Way, Hout Bay
(Diagonally opposite the World of Birds)

26 June – Session on Intimacy with Ourselves and Others

We’re deepening our understanding of intimacy. How we are with ourselves affects how we relate to others.

Join us at the barn this Monday night for an interesting session on ourselves and our relationships. It involves asking questions, reflecting on your experiences and sharing what you feel ready to. Continue reading 26 June – Session on Intimacy with Ourselves and Others

19 June – Intimacy with Ourselves and Others

We’re deepening our understanding of intimacy. How we are with ourselves affects how we relate to others.

Join us at the barn tonight for an interesting session on connecting with ourselves, with God and with others. Sessions typically involve asking questions, reflecting on your experiences and sharing what you feel ready to. Continue reading 19 June – Intimacy with Ourselves and Others