Tag Archives: God’s dream

What guides us through life?

Reflecting on dreams which so affect our life journey

The countless dreams that motivate and energise us give us our life direction each day. We need to know our guiding images to understand what is inspiring or frightening us, where we’re being reactive or compliant. We tend to view dreams as being positive, but some can be enormous, yet unconscious, burdens if they are driving us to fulfill another’s expectations. Continue reading What guides us through life?

Dreaming Our Life

Images we carry affect our choices

The pictures in our imaginations come with the possibility that they can be fulfilled. Without a guiding image, we will question whether we can manage in that area of our lives. Very early in our childhood we were given these dreams which shaped us and directed our behaviour and the course of our lives. Often we are not even aware of what these are. So how do we begin to see what these dreams are doing to us, so we can manage them as a creative process? Continue reading Dreaming Our Life