Tag Archives: dreams

So, what will you do with your one wild and precious life?

Each of us lives with dreams and guiding images of what our lives should be like. These come in all shapes and sizes. Some are passed down to us by our family, friends or peers. Others are dreams of proving ourselves and finding recognition. Perhaps we even have dreams of creating something unique, or we may be scared to dream big because of past hurts and mistakes.

The reality is that our dreams need to evolve.

The dreams we had at 20 often won’t be appropriate at 40, and certainly not at 60. And yet we may be currently building our lives on past guidelines – just repeating what’s ‘worked’ for us.

A divine blueprint exists in God’s heart for us – one that will give meaning and purpose to our days on earth. Our Master Renovator has meaningful and fulfilling ideas about us. He wants us to look at why we keep doing what we do, and to gain a deeper awareness of what holds us back and gets us stuck. We need to risk having new dreams, knowing that He is gently nudging us towards his dream for us.

A Sample of Life

Looking at just one day will show us what we truly value

Even though our dreams are often beyond our awareness, we all have guiding images which lead us. These are with us all our lives, shaping and directing us, and giving our everyday life substance. These are very necessary, as with no defining images our lives will become more and more fragmented. Since we can so easily fool ourselves, it is useful to imagine being an observer of one day of our lives. By doing this we will soon see what we are investing the bulk of our time on. Through what we do we can understand what we value the most, what we are giving ourselves up for. Through looking at one small sample of our existence, we can realise what’s guiding us through it and causing us to make the choices we do.
Continue reading A Sample of Life

What guides us through life?

Reflecting on dreams which so affect our life journey

The countless dreams that motivate and energise us give us our life direction each day. We need to know our guiding images to understand what is inspiring or frightening us, where we’re being reactive or compliant. We tend to view dreams as being positive, but some can be enormous, yet unconscious, burdens if they are driving us to fulfill another’s expectations. Continue reading What guides us through life?

Dreaming Our Life

Images we carry affect our choices

The pictures in our imaginations come with the possibility that they can be fulfilled. Without a guiding image, we will question whether we can manage in that area of our lives. Very early in our childhood we were given these dreams which shaped us and directed our behaviour and the course of our lives. Often we are not even aware of what these are. So how do we begin to see what these dreams are doing to us, so we can manage them as a creative process? Continue reading Dreaming Our Life

8 May – Sans Pareil Session: Moving to Self-Acceptance

When our dreams for ourselves get lost, we may well become hard on ourselves and on others who can’t live up to the images we carry. In our next Session we’ll explore the movement from disillusion to self-acceptance, and from self-loathing to self-loving.

Date: 8 May 2017. These Sessions take place on most Monday evenings.
Times: From 6 until 7 pm we’ll have a bring-and-share meal as a group in the Sans Pareil barn. From 7:15 for 7:30 pm until 9 pm Sergio will lead us in our core teaching, reflection, discussion and exercise times. Coffee and tea will be available afterwards.
Address: Sans Pareil, 1 Welbevind Way, Hout Bay, Cape Town.
Cost: R100 per person, paid at the door. Discounts are available if needed. No booking is required.
Extras: For the meal, please bring a plate for mains (not dessert) and a drink to share. Please bring a dish that doesn’t need to be heated.

Sign up to our newsletter or ‘Like’ our Facebook Page for event news.

6 May – First Saturday Retreat: God’s Dream for Us

We were formed in the womb with God’s dream and desire. This blueprint can draw us through life to a fulfillment or get lost along the way. Join us at Sans Pareil as we explore these deeper longings in quiet reflection and times in the garden.

Date: 6 May 2017. These retreats take place on the first Saturday of most months.
Times: From 2 to 5 pm.
Address: Sans Pareil, 1 Welbevind Way, Hout Bay, Cape Town.
Cost: R100 per person, paid at the door. Discounts are available if needed. No booking is required.

Sign up to our newsletter or ‘Like’ our Facebook Page for event news.

Resonating words from last Monday’s Session

sky_smResonating words

from last Monday’s Sans Pareil Session by participants:

“Make your own dreams & decisions and we’ll be there with you, and happy that you have made them.”

“The idea that Dad’s ideas and words become my inner voice.”

“Feelings we are not familiar with are not necessarily our enemy.”

“My desires are legitimate.”

“…Dying to my old way of seeing things.”

“The simplicity of the invitation to respond differently.”